Blepharoplasty ( Eyelid Surgery )
This is a surgical procedure used to treat tired appearing , hooded or baggy eyelids. It involves removal of excess tissue – skin, muscle and sometimes fat, from the upper and/or lower eyelids. It improves the cosmetic appearance and increases the visual field. Also lower lid blepharoplasty may improve watery eyes. Sometimes it is done to obtain a lid crease in Asian patients. The result is a more youthful, rested appearance of the eyes with softening of wrinkle lines. This surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia using hidden incisions. There is no scar seen in the operated eye after surgery. Blepharoplasty can be combined with browlift, mini SMAS lift or facelift. Botox is often combined with other cosmetic procedures such as Fillers, Botox, Browlift, and Facelift.
Complaint: This patient, a middle aged lady from Sweden had “hooded upper eyelids” with skin resting on eyelashes. This was causing heaviness as well as difficulty with application and visualization of makeup
Solution: Refreshed, rejuvenated look after upper lid blepharoplasty. Just 6 weeks after the procedure, her face and her life were transformed with improved self-confidence. She looks absolutely stunning with and without makeup.

Complaint: Heavy upper lids weighing down eyes
Solution: Upper eyelid skin was removed. One week post op picture showing a natural symmetrical eyelid fold.


Complaint: Middle aged man from Middle East complained that he looked very exhausted and tired.He said he had even received comments from others saying, “it looks like you need a good nights sleep.”
Solution: Excess upper eyelid skin removed. A symmetrical eyelid fold was created. The patient graciously sent his post operative picture from Bahrain.


Complaint: A young girl from Eastern India was unhappy that she had a single eyelid and she was not able to apply eyeliner as her eyelid margin was was not seen due to the skin fold .
Solution: After upper lid blepharoplasty her entire appearance changed and she is now having fun with makeup!


Complaint: Young patient complained on small bumps in lower eyelid.
Solution: Lower eyelid fat-bags treated through a hidden incision on the inner side of the eyelid, leaving no skin scars.






6 Weeks After


4 Weeks After


4 Weeks After